The criminal defense attorneys at Bucher, Wolff & Sonderhouse, LLP always have your best interest in mind. Every day, local residents are booked in Waukesha County for criminal charges, ranging from domestic violence and theft allegations to drug possession and traffic offenses, including car accidents. Other advanced services are available from our law firm, serving as your divorce attorneys and handling child custody and financial disputes.
Drunk Driving Milwaukee
Drunk driving in Milwaukee should never be taken lightly. Defending your rights against the charge of an OWI (operating while intoxicated) is one of the most common situations faced by our Waukesha criminal defense attorneys. You cannot erase the occurrence of being over the legal limit while behind the wheel of a vehicle in the State of Wisconsin. However, Bucher, Wolff & Sonderhouse, LLP DOES minimize the damage better than any Waukesha drunk driving attorney around.
Your Best Chance
In the battle to keep your driver's license, unmatched legal representation and professionalism is an absolute must. Fighting one DUI is every bit as important as protecting yourself and your rights from the pending consequences of a 3rd DUI or 4th DUI. Your best bet is to have a Waukesha drunk driving lawyer handle the case from as early on as possible. Our clients often recommend their best friends to us when they are hopelessly stuck in similar legal binds and need an experienced criminal defense lawyer.
Drug Possession and Narcotics Offense in Milwaukee County
A situation involving your well-being will always seem like a lost cause at certain points. Your Waukesha County drug possession lawyers understand what the best practices are for beating a potential conviction, whether you were booked as far from Milwaukee as Delafield or Madison. The situation might involve your 2nd marijuana possession offense in Wisconsin, now facing allegations of the intent to distribute.