Does a Wisconsin Teenager Charged with a DUI Go to Jail?
Teenagers are in a thrilling stage of life - faced with all of life’s possibilities and very little notion of practical limitations; they are often under the illusion that they are invincible. Life has a way of soon teaching them that this is not the case, however, and nothing can bring a teen crashing down to reality faster than getting caught driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Operating a vehicle while under the influence, or OWI, is a serious mistake - not only because of the significant legal penalties it carries, but also because of the danger involved. Fortunately, with the help of a great OWI defense attorney, your teen may be able to recover from his mistake.
What is the Legal Limit for an Underage Driver?
Until a young adult turns 21, the legally acceptable blood alcohol limit for driving a car or engaging in any other motor vehicle activities is zero. This includes boats, jet skis, snowmobiles, and more. Wisconsin’s “Not a Drop” law prohibits minors from consuming any amount of alcohol and driving. Police may test teen drivers by making them take a breathalyzer, asking them to perform walking or speaking tests, or arresting them and taking them to the police station for blood testing. Refusing to cooperate with the police can lead to further consequences.
How Much Trouble Can My Kid Get In for an OWI?
The consequences for your child’s OWI depend on their blood alcohol content, the circumstances of the arrest, and any previous criminal history. If a teen has a BAC of .08 or under, they may only get in trouble for violating the “Not a Drop” law. But a BAC of more than .08 allows teens to be punished with the same OWI consequences as an adult, including fines, jail time, and long-term driver’s license suspension.
OWI charges do not necessarily equal convictions, however. A great defense attorney can help tell your child’s full story, including demonstrating their good behavior, academic merit, and previous clean record. For help protecting your child from serious consequences, get help from an OWI defense attorney right away, before making any plea deals with prosecutors.
Call a Waukesha County Underage OWI Defense Lawyer
Finding out that your son or daughter was irresponsible enough to get behind the wheel of a car under the influence of drugs or alcohol can be terribly disappointing. You may be worried about their future and feel uncertain about where to turn for help. At Bucher, Wolff & Sonderhouse, LLP, our experienced Waukesha, WI underage impaired driving defense attorneys are dedicated to protecting your child’s rights and will build a strong defense that maximizes their potential for future success. Call us today to schedule your free consultation at 262-232-6699.