Five Signs You May Be Headed for a High-Conflict Divorce in Wisconsin
Certain types of behaviors can make someone very difficult to be married to. Blaming others, black-and-white thinking, lack of ability to take responsibility for one’s actions and consequences, and a tendency to engage in risky behaviors are all associated with high-conflict relationships. Unfortunately, these behaviors tend to get worse during divorce and people who were unable to manage conflict during a marriage are likely to be hostile and difficult to work with in a divorce. Here are five behaviors from your spouse that could indicate you may be headed towards a high-conflict divorce in Milwaukee County.
Your Spouse Has to Be Right All the Time
Everybody likes to be right, but when one partner always insists on being correct and never apologizes for their mistakes or shortcomings, divorce can be very difficult. A crucial part of divorce is compromise, which includes admitting that the other person’s perspective is legitimate and worth consideration. If your spouse cannot do this during your marriage, they are unlikely to start doing so during divorce.
Your Spouse is Dishonest
Hiding things, cheating, telling white lies for no reason - all of these are warning signs that a peaceable divorce is not in the cards for you. Clear communication and timely information trading are important parts of divorce, and when attorneys cannot get information from their clients because clients are trying to hide things, divorce can take much longer and be more hostile. Spouses with unstable personalities may have difficulty sticking with one attorney, or may exhibit other erratic and dishonest behaviors that protract divorce and make negotiation difficult or impossible.
Your Spouse Cannot Forgive and Forget
If your spouse tends to be resentful and uses past wrongdoings on your part as a weapon with which to badger you constantly in the present, compromising on high-stakes issues like child custody might not be an option. Constantly bringing up the past makes it hard to stay focused on current problem-solving, even with the help of a trained mediator.
Your Spouse Neglects Their Mental Health
Being married to someone with mental health challenges may not always be easy, but with appropriate management strategies it is certainly doable. But when a spouse neglects to take their medication or practice coping strategies, mental health challenges can quickly spiral out of control. Negotiation and compromise require clear thinking and a practical perspective, both of which can be very hard to achieve when issues like depression or bipolar disorder are at play.
Your Spouse is Abusive
Without a doubt, physical, emotional, and financial abuse during a marriage are the most common signs that a divorce is not going to be peaceful. Indeed, victims of domestic violence are often at most risk of serious injury when they try to leave. Having a safe plan of escape before you file for divorce is essential if your spouse is an abuser; with help from the right resources, you can get out of an unhealthy marriage.
Call a New Berlin, WI High Conflict Divorce Lawyer
Managing a high-conflict divorce requires the help of an attorney with skill and experience with managing complex situations and diffusing tension. If you are expecting your divorce to be challenging, schedule a complimentary consultation with one of the outstanding New Berlin divorce attorneys at Bucher, Wolff & Sonderhouse, LLP. We will strive to protect your rights and priorities, enforce appropriate boundaries, and try to keep conflict at a minimum. Call us now at 262-232-6699.