Milwaukee man accused of 8th drunk driving offense
A DUI charge can happen to any Wisconsin resident who takes the risk of driving after drinking alcohol. However, in some cases, a Wisconsin driver will find him or herself facing drunk driving charges again and again. Drivers need to be very careful after being charged with multiple DUI offenses because the punishments will get more severe with each consecutive conviction.
In one such case, a Milwaukee man with seven drunk driving convictions on his criminal record has been arrested and accused of drunk driving for the 8th time. Police arrested the man after his van collided with a trailer, according to the sheriff's office.
The collision happened a little before 6 p.m. last Tuesday on Interstate 43. The man was driving northbound on the highway when he allegedly collided with the trailer. Police say that the man admitted to drinking a martini and taking Adderal before getting into the crash. When authorities tested his blood alcohol content, he allegedly tested with a BAC of 0.18 percent, which is more than double the legal limit.
Even though it's been nearly a decade since the man's previous DUI convictions, the 49-year-old driver could face a 10-year prison sentence if he is found guilty of the offense. His previous convictions happened in 1991, 1993, 1994, 1996, 2001, 2005 and 2008.
Drivers accused of DUI in Milwaukee have the legal right to defend themselves in their criminal court proceedings. A criminal defense lawyer can be immeasurably helpful during such proceedings. A defense lawyer can look at the facts surrounding a DUI charge to identify the most appropriate criminal defense strategies to employ.
Source:, "Serial drunken driver allegedly causes crash while drunk," Jesse Garza, April 05, 2017