Muskego mother gets 2-year prison sentence for drunk driving
A woman from Muskego who has been convicted of drunk driving five times was recently sentenced to serve a two-year prison term as a result of her fifth drunk driving conviction. The woman was also sentenced to extended supervision for an additional three years.
The incident that led to the woman's most recent OWI conviction happened last Christmas Eve. According to the woman's admission, she drank a "ton" of alcohol that evening because she felt like she wanted to die.
While the woman was in an inebriated state, however, her son came home from his work and called 911. After the son made the call, the woman backed out of the driveway in her vehicle and continued into a culvert on the other side of the street. She was able to free the vehicle and drove away. She soon lost control of the car and struck a tree.
When police arrived, she fought the officers, even kicking one officer in the groin while he attempted to arrest her. Officers eventually deployed a stun gun to control the woman but it wasn't entirely successful. Eventually, police were able to make the arrest and book the woman in jail.
Due to the convicted drunk driver's previous OWI convictions in 2005, 2007, 2009 and 2015, the judge who sentenced her was particularly strict -- giving the woman the severe punishments described above.
If you've been arrested and convicted of OWI in the past, it's important that you don't suffer further convictions as the penalties will only get more severe the more convictions that occur. Fortunately, anyone accused of OWI will have the opportunity to defend themselves in court by employing a variety of criminal defense techniques.