The concealed carry fashion show draws controversy
Milwaukee was the host of the National Rifle Association's "Concealed Carry Fashion Show." The fashion show was intended to show off gun-toting fashion accessories.
The show included regular guys and regular gals as models who donned special gun-friendly clothing, bags and purses to model for the audience.
Details about the Concealed Carry Fashion Show
Approximately 30 companies were represented at the fashion show, including brand names such as Man-Pack and Femme Fatale. Many of the fashion pieces included shoulder bags and corset holders that were made to assist in the quick drawing and firing of a weapon.
The NRA has been promoting its fashion show for the last several months and even worked with a professional designer to coordinate and plan the event. Marketing literature from the NRA's press release before the event stated, "The Fashion Show will showcase the Expo's top concealed carry products and demonstrate the features and benefits to an audience of firearm enthusiasts and industry media."
A review of important Wisconsin gun laws
As for concealed carry weapons licensing laws in Wisconsin, the state is known as a "shall-issue state." Since November 2011, Wisconsin residents can apply for concealed carry licenses via the state department of justice office. This law resulted in Wisconsin becoming the 49th state in the country to offer provisions for the carrying of concealed weapons by regular U.S. citizens.
It should be noted that not all Wisconsin citizens can own, use and/or carry weapon. Those who have been convicted of a felony, those who have a restraining order on them and those with a domestic violence conviction are just some of examples of people who are not permitted to carry a firearm or ammunition.
Source:, "NRA holds ‘fashion show’ for gun accessories," Linda Massarella, Aug. 25, 2017