The extended costs of operating under the influence charges
If being charged with operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol were like most other driving-related charges, you could simply settle the matter by paying a fine and moving on with your life. But DWI, DUI and OWI charges are far more complicated. The state of Wisconsin takes drunk driving offenses very seriously and is prepared to hand out very severe penalties for those who are convicted.
Of course, if you are charged with operating under the influence, you will be facing a fine, but that is likely the least of your worries. Every other possible penalty can put a major pinch on your life and your wallet. For example, for a first-time conviction, you could be required to outfit your car with an Ignition Interlock Device for up to 12 months. And you will be financially responsible for the installation and maintenance of the device.
You could also have your driving privileges revoked for as long as nine months. If this happens, you will be forced to find alternative forms of transportation, the cost of which you will have to cover. And even your auto insurance premiums could be raised.
The above mentioned are some of the penalties for a first offense; subsequent OWI offenses can fetch more severe penalties and cost you even more money. And for this reason, rather than simply pleading guilty to an OWI, you may want to fight the charge.
Attorneys Peter Wolff and Rob Sonderhouse each have a wealth of experience dealing with OWI charges. In fact, Mr. Wolff was once a police officer who instructed other officers on OWI detection and testing procedures. They are prepared to go over the details of your arrest and offer you sound legal advice on your best options for answering the charges. You can read more about the legal services provided by Bucher, Wolff & Sonderhouse, LLP, on the pages of this website.