Weapons laws in Wisconsin: Facts you should know
When carrying a firearm in Wiscon, you're also carrying a huge responsibility. As such, specific laws may apply to your possession, ownership and use of a firearm. Be sure to read the information below to find out how you may be affected by our state's gun laws.
Who does the law permit to own a firearm? In the state of Wisconsin, all adults can own a firearm if they have not been convicted of a felony and passed a background check to purchase the weapon they want to buy.
What happens to felons who possess firearms? The unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon is an extremely serious offense that could result in a prison sentence of 10 years.
What are the requirements to carry a concealed weapon? In order to carry a concealed weapon, you must complete the Wisconsin concealed weapons licensing program. Failing to have the appropriate license may result in the criminal charge of carrying a concealed weapon without a license.
When can I point my gun at someone lawfully? The only legally appropriate time you can point your gun at another person is when you reasonably believe that threatening deadly force with your firearm is required to prevent or stop unlawful interference. In other words, you can point your gun at someone if you have good reason to believe the person is going to unlawfully endanger you.
Wisconsin gun laws may apply to you in more situations that you might think. In fact, you might be surprised to find yourself in trouble for a gun law that you didn't know existed. As such, everyone in Wisconsin who owns a gun should fully educate him- or herself on the laws that could apply to him or her.