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What Can I Do if My Soon-to-be Ex Is Hiding Assets From Me?

 Posted on August 30,2023 in Divorce

New Berlin Divorce LawyerArguments about a couple’s money and belongings can get heated especially during a high-asset divorce. If a couple has collected a significant amount of valuable things while they are married, figuring out who gets what can be difficult. But when one spouse is underhanded and is hiding assets, things can get downright ugly. An experienced divorce attorney can help investigate and find hidden assets that you are entitled to after your divorce.

Does Wisconsin Law Require All Assets to be Disclosed During a Divorce?

High net-worth divorces require a comprehensive review of all assets and debts. In Wisconsin, both spouses are required to disclose all of their financial assets at the start of the divorce process. But that is easier said than done, especially when there is a lot of money on the line. Not everyone is truthful when it comes to disclosing their assets. Wisconsin law states it is illegal for your spouse to intentionally hide assets from you and that marital assets should be divided equally.

It is crucial to be honest about your financial situation. Keep in mind that trying to hide assets or downplay your income can hurt your case and your credibility in court.

How Can I Find Out If My Soon-to-be Ex is Hiding Assets?

Unfortunately, sometimes spouses will fight to keep all of the assets to themselves. If you suspect that your soon-to-be ex is hiding assets, we are prepared to aggressively seek out and investigate your spouse’s finances and ensure that they are not hiding anything that you are entitled to as part of the divorce. We are skilled at understanding the complicated legal maneuvers that come up with dividing assets when wealthy couples get divorced and also making sure that our clients get what they are entitled to. To that end, we will do the following:    

  • Discover hidden money by looking at investments, accounts, and financial records.

  • Determine how much all of the investments are worth, including stocks and bonds.

  • Decide how much real estate is worth — this includes not just regular homes, but also vacation places, cabins, and other investment properties.

  • Analyze any shared businesses to see how much one spouse is connected to them and make sure we fairly figure out how much the business is worth.

  • Ensure that financial information is shared correctly.

  • Figure out how much retirement benefits are worth.

In a divorce, the court will look at how the couple lived while they were married and if one person makes more money than the other. This helps decide if the standard of living will drastically change for either of the people after the divorce. If appropriate, the court could order one person to make payments money to the other through spousal support.

Contact a Waukesha County High-Asset Divorce Lawyer  

Are you worried about being tricked during your divorce proceedings? If you believe that your spouse might hide money during a divorce, reach out to Bucher, Wolff & Sonderhouse, LLP. A Waukesha, WI high-asset attorney will work to make sure your rights are protected. Give us a call at 262-232-6699 for a free consultation.

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