What kinds of addiction treatments are available?
If you have been struggling with addiction, you likely want to get out of the vicious cycle that is plaguing your life. And your family and friends may be imploring you to get help as well. But sometimes it takes a real wake-up call to motivate an addict to get the help that he or she needs. And certainly, being arrested on drug charges can be a real wake-up call that tells you it is time to make drastic changes.
So, if you have come to the realization that you need treatment to pull your life back together, you may want to do some research regarding your possible options. The following are some of the primary types of addiction treatments:
- Short-term residential treatment, which is typically brief but intensive and takes a 12-step based approach.
- Long-term residential treatment, which is 24-hour-a-day care at a non-hospital facility.
- Group counseling, which provides the opportunity for those struggling with substance abuse to discuss their problems and offer support to one another.
- Individualized drug counseling, which allows individuals to focus not only their addiction issues, but also real-life issues such as employment and personal relationships.
Seeking treatment is a positive step that could lead to a complete turnabout in your personal well-being. And if you have been charged with possession of an illegal drug, you may want to consider asking the judge to allow you to enter treatment in lieu of being incarcerated. And an experienced criminal attorney can help you by preparing a defense that includes demonstrating that you are a strong candidate for successful treatment.