Wisconsin Governor Announces New Crime Initiatives in 2025
Governor Evers recently announced new initiatives that will address crime in Wisconsin in the coming year, particularly gun crimes. The governor is also creating a new Office of Violence Prevention in his administration. The governor referenced the gun crime changes by reflecting on the deadly shooting in Madison last month at the Abundant Life Christian School.
These initiatives are meant to boost community safety and prevent violence. Gun deaths in the state have increased 54 percent over the last decade, compared to a nationwide increase during the same time period of 34 percent. The governor has previously included gun safety measures in state budgets, only to have the Legislature remove those items prior to passing the budget.
While it is hoped that gun crimes will be reduced, there are plenty of people in Wisconsin who are facing lesser gun charges that could land them in prison for a very long time. If you are facing charges for a gun crime, it is extremely important that you speak to a knowledgeable Oconomowoc, WI criminal defense attorney.
What Are Some of the Most Common Gun Crimes in Wisconsin?
There are many different gun crimes in the state, most of which have fairly severe penalties, including:
- Concealed carry violations
- Felony gun charges
- Reckless or unlawful use of a weapon
- Unlawful sale of a firearm
- Illegal discharge of a firearm
- Possession of a firearm while intoxicated
- Violations of Wisconsin open carry laws
What Are the Penalties for Gun Crimes in Wisconsin?
Concealed carry of a firearm violations for those without proper permits is a Class A misdemeanor. A conviction for a Class A misdemeanor can result in up to nine months in jail and fines as large as $10,000 for an individual with no prior criminal history. Possession of a firearm while intoxicated carries the same penalties.
Gun laws in Wisconsin include mandatory minimum penalties for using a firearm during the commission of a violent felony. The mandatory minimum sentence will depend on the severity of the violent felony. For a Class A through a Class G felony, the additional mandatory sentence for using a firearm is no less than five years.
For a Class H felony, the additional mandatory minimum sentence is no less than three years, and for a Class I felony, the additional sentence is 18 months. Endangering the safety of another through the use of a dangerous weapon is a felony charge punishable by up to 12 years in prison and a maximum fine of $25,000. A violation of Wisconsin’s open carry laws could result in a fine of up to $500 and up to 30 days in jail.
Are There Defenses to Gun Crimes?
A solid defense is essential when gun crimes are charged. While each situation is unique, and the defense will be specifically tailored to the facts and circumstances, the most common defenses include:
- The gun was found through an illegal search and seizure.
- The defendant was not in control or immediate possession of the gun at the time of the arrest.
- The gun was necessary for self-defense from imminent harm.
- Witness testimony is flawed, or the defendant has an alibi.
- The defendant was unaware of the presence of the firearm.
- Errors were made by police, including chain of evidence errors.
- The defendant’s constitutional rights were violated at the time of arrest.
Contact a Waukesha County, WI Defense Lawyer
You should never face gun crime charges on your own. A Waukesha, WI gun crimes attorney from Bucher, Wolff & Sonderhouse, LLP can help ensure your outcome is the best one available. We are available seven days a week, 24 hours a day, for your convenience. Call 262-232-6699 today to schedule your free consultation.