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What if My Spouse Refuses to Participate in the Divorce?

 Posted on October 14,2024 in Divorce

Waukesha, WI divorce lawyerPerhaps you want a divorce, but your spouse does not. Or maybe your spouse is simply reinforcing your reasons for wanting a divorce in the first place by being as obstinate as possible. While most spouses will bow to the inevitable and take part in the divorce – if only to get what they want – some will either not participate in the process or will simply refuse to sign the divorce decree.

While this can certainly be frustrating, it is important to remember that a spouse intent on stopping a divorce really cannot do so. Wisconsin law allows you to finalize your divorce with or without your spouse's agreement or participation. If you are facing this type of situation, speaking to an experienced New Berlin, WI divorce attorney from Bucher, Wolff & Sonderhouse, LLP can be helpful.

My Spouse Refuses to Acknowledge the Divorce Petition

If you file for divorce, you must serve your spouse with a Summons and Petition. The non-filing party then has an opportunity to respond to the petition. The court can proceed with a default divorce if the non-filing party refuses to respond after being properly served. If you have taken every measure possible to persuade your spouse to answer the Petition for Divorce and he or she refuses, you will be granted all the terms you request from the court.

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Threats Escalate for Wisconsin’s Public Officials

 Posted on October 10,2024 in Criminal Defense

Waukesha, WI Harassment LawyerElected officials in Wisconsin are being threatened and harassed — in person, online, and over the phone — because of tense political rhetoric and conspiracy theories. Many city clerks, state Supreme Court justices, and every elected official in between have reported fearing for their safety.

In some cases, people are being arrested because of a joke gone wrong.  If you have been charged with making threats, harassing, or menacing a poll worker or public official, you should speak to an experienced Menomonee Falls, WI criminal defense attorney from Bucher, Wolff & Sonderhouse, LLP.

What Can a Person Be Charged with for Making Threats or Harassing a Public Official?

Wisconsin has a "menacing" law (947.013), which makes it a Class B misdemeanor to frighten, intimidate, threaten, abuse, or harass or to threaten to inflict physical harm on another person. The unlawful use of a telephone (947.012) is also a Class B misdemeanor and involves using the phone to harass, abuse, threaten, intimidate, frighten, or threaten to inflict physical harm on another person. Penalties for a Class B misdemeanor include a fine of up to $1,000 and jail time not to exceed 90 days.

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Six-Month Mandatory Waiting Period for Remarriage Remains in WI

 Posted on September 26,2024 in Divorce

Waukesha, WI Divorce LawyerDivorce is rarely easy, and those who find love after divorce may want to make the relationship legal by remarrying. Unfortunately, this may not be so easy in the state of Wisconsin. Several years ago, legislation was introduced that would have ended Wisconsin’s six-month mandatory waiting period for a recently divorced individual to remarry. Wisconsin is one of only six states that still have a mandatory waiting period for remarriage after the finalization of a divorce, as detailed in Wisconsin Statute 765.03 (2).

Texas and Kansas each have a 30-day waiting period, Alabama requires 60 days, and Wisconsin, Nebraska, and Oklahoma each require a minimum waiting period of six months. The law was originally enacted in 1911 with the goal of allowing time for either spouse to change his or her mind. Even if the divorced couple decides to remarry one another, the six-month waiting period still applies. If you have more questions regarding the six-month waiting period, it can be helpful to speak to a knowledgeable Brookfield, WI divorce attorney from Bucher, Wolff & Sonderhouse, LLP.  

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Treatment Alternatives and Diversion Dashboard Launched by DOJ | WI

 Posted on September 23,2024 in Criminal Defense

Waukesha, WI criminal defense lawyerThe Wisconsin Department of Justice and Bureau of Justice Information and Analysis announced on July 25, 2024, a new online dashboard for the Treatment Alternatives and Diversion program. Wisconsin Attorney General noted that the new dashboard would help those struggling with substance abuse and would save taxpayer dollars.

The dashboard is connected directly to the CORE reporting system, where data regarding eligibility determination, admissions and discharges, and referrals are kept. It currently contains data for the past five years. TAD programs are funded in 59 Wisconsin counties and three recognized tribes. If you have been charged with OWI, drug possession, or certain other offenses, ask an experienced Brookfield, WI Operating While Intoxicated attorney from Bucher, Wolff & Sonderhouse, LLP about whether you qualify for the TAD program.    

What is the TAD Program in Wisconsin?

The Treatment Alternatives and Diversion program was established in 2005 under Wisconsin Act 25 to support county efforts to provide treatment and diversion programs for non-violent adult offenders who are facing criminal charges due to substance abuse. Under state statute, the TAD program is funded on five-year cycles.

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Is Child Support Affected When a Parent Has Another Child?

 Posted on September 16,2024 in Child Support

Blog ImageAbout 1,300 new stepfamilies are forming every day, and more than 50 percent of all U.S. families are remarried or re-coupled. One out of every two marriages ends in divorce, and 75 percent of those who divorce will remarry. Since it is common for one or both parents to remarry following a divorce, this can affect the children of the first marriage. If the parent who is responsible for child support has another child after the remarriage, will this affect the monthly child support amounts for the child or children from the previous marriage? This is a complicated question and can depend on the specific situation.

If you are the parent receiving child support, it can be nerve-wracking to find that your ex is expecting a new child. Blended families generally go through at least a few bumps on the way to family harmony. You may worry that your child will be pushed aside or will no longer receive sufficient financial support from his or her other parent. These are legitimate concerns that a knowledgeable Muskego, WI child support attorney from Bucher, Wolff & Sonderhouse, LLP can help you address. Once you have a knowledgeable family law attorney by your side, you can be sure that your child’s best interests will be protected. 

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How Are Wisconsin Cash Bail Reforms Progressing?

 Posted on September 09,2024 in Criminal Defense

Wisconsin criminal defense attorneyA person in Wisconsin charged with a crime and in need of a strong criminal defense may be unsure of how recent changes to bail laws will affect his or her ability to meet bail requirements. A 2023 change to the Wisconsin state constitution created a fundamental shift in how judges in the state set bail. Prior to this change, a judge was only allowed to set a specific dollar amount for bail in an amount sufficient to ensure the defendant would return for trial.

The change allows judges to consider whether the defendant is a threat to the community when setting bail. Judges can also consider prior violent crimes committed by defendants. Those against the change to the constitution say there is already a mechanism in place for judges to keep the public safe: release conditions. Release conditions can include curfews, GPS monitoring, or regular check-ins with pretrial services. 

More than a year later, criminal justice advocates argue that this cash bail constitutional amendment – which was approved by voters – suffered from procedural flaws that should have invalidated it. Submission deadlines may not have been properly met, and the ballot questions were not sent to the correct election officials. An effort to stop the 2023 vote was rejected, with the judge stating there was no irreparable harm if the measures were not blocked.

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Stay-At-Home Parents and Wisconsin Divorce

 Posted on August 27,2024 in Divorce

WI divorce lawyerFor many families, having one parent stay at home instead of leaving every day for work is a necessity. It can sometimes be a full-time job being responsible for maintaining a home and caring for the children, especially if they have busy schedules packed with after-school activities or special medical needs. When both parents have demanding jobs, it can feel impossible to take care of everything the family needs.

It might be a logical arrangement for some, but it can be stressful for a stay-at-home parent to consider divorce if the couple is no longer happy together. Not earning an independent income can make you feel like you have no money of your own. Spending several years out of the workforce can make you think you are a less attractive candidate for jobs when you are ready to work again. You might worry about how you would maintain your and your children’s lifestyle after a divorce. Luckily, Wisconsin courts recognize the important contribution of stay-at-home parents and consider it when making decisions about spousal maintenance. If you are a stay-at-home parent nervous about the financial impact of divorce, speak with a skilled Oconomowoc, WI family law attorney to review your options.

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Self-Defense and Deadly Force in Wisconsin

 Posted on August 21,2024 in Violent crimes

WI defense lawyerWhen police are called to respond to a violence complaint, they can not always predict what they will find on the other side of the door. Several people inside might offer different versions of what happened. When people who are accused of assault, battery, or the use of force claim that they were acting in self-defense, it can be difficult to know who the actual victim was and who was the perpetrator. This article will examine some Wisconsin laws addressing your ability to use deadly force against someone in self-defense. If you were defending yourself and are now facing criminal charges, speak with an experienced Waukesha, WI criminal defense lawyer to understand your options.

Wisconsin Self-Defense Laws

American citizens are entitled to defend themselves against harm, but the specifics of what that means differ from state to state. According to Wisconsin law, the right to self-defense is based on a few aspects:

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Why More Political Disagreements Are Leading to Divorce

 Posted on August 14,2024 in Divorce

WI divorce lawyerIt is becoming more common for people to see their political views causing problems in their relationships. As surprising as it might seem, disagreements about politics are increasingly cited as a big part of why some couples decide to get a divorce. This article will explore how these disagreements can create tension and stress in a marriage and what you can do about it. If it seems like a description of what is happening in your home, speak with a qualified Waukesha, WI divorce lawyer to hear about your options.

How Political Disagreements Can Lead to Divorce

You might find it surprising that political disputes can reveal deeper problems in a marriage. While a strong couple in a healthy relationship generally has the tools to move past disagreements, already shaky relationships can crumble following political arguments. This has led to a recent increase in people stating political differences as the reason for their divorce. There are several reasons for this:

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Legal Liability Against Pornographic Deepfakes

 Posted on August 07,2024 in Criminal Law

WI defense lawyerWe are privileged to live in a time where technological innovations are having a major impact on daily lives. However, it can sometimes feel hard to keep up with all the new advances and terms. One new term that comes up a lot these days is "deepfake''. A deepfake is a fake video or image that was created using AI technology. Deepfakes manipulate faces and voices to make it look like someone said or did something they didn’t actually do or say.

New laws are emerging to address these new technological capabilities, and you might not even be aware of the criminal charges you could face. For example, a new law prohibits non-consensual deep fake pornographic material. If you use emerging technologies to create fictitious photos or videos, speak with a knowledgeable Waukesha, WI criminal defense attorney to understand how to protect yourself legally.

Understanding the DEFIANCE Act

The Disrupt Explicit Forged Images and Non-Consensual Edits Act of 2024, otherwise known as the DEFIANCE Act, is a fairly new act addressing the manipulation of explicit images and videos, commonly known as deepfakes, without the consent of the person whose image you are using. It makes it criminal to create, distribute, and possess deepfakes made with AI technology that show someone in an explicit situation without their consent.

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